





  1. 表示原因

because,in that,as , since

because of = due to = owing to = thanks to

  1. 表示结果

so = hence = therefore = thereby = thus = consequently = in consequence = as a result/consequence


  1. 表示“相似性的”对比

likewise = similarly = equally = simultaneously = at the same time = in the meanwhile

  1. 表示“差异性的”对比

but , by contrast = conversely = alternatively = on the contrary = on the other hand = otherwise = while = whereas


besides = also = in addition = moreover = furthermore = apart/aside from this</u>


  1. despite = in spite of = not withstanding = although = though = as = while = even (if) = much as (用于首句) 虽然 = granting /granted that
  2. undoubtedlly = there is no doubt that …


  1. it may be true that … 或许真实的是。。。。
  2. there is no denying that … 不可否认的是…….


  1. about = concerning = regarding = with regard to = as for /to = in respect of 关于
  2. in terms of 就……而论,在…….方面
  3. when it comes to … 当提到……时


on the whole = all in all = overall = in conclusion/summary / general = generally (speaking )=as awhole =mainly = substantially = to sum up = conclude = come to the conclusion总的来说,inshort/ brief = in a word简而言之





  • 结构上分为
    • 简单句
    • 并列句
    • 复合句
  • 语序上分为
    • 倒装
    • 正常语序
  • 语态上分为
    • 主动和被动


  1. 前面在修路。

The road is being built in front.(被动现在进行时)

  1. 全球在变暖

It is becoming warm throughout the world.

  1. 河南有很多人口。

there are many persons in Henan.

  1. 狗没有找到。

The dog was not found.

  1. 北京西站就要到了。

We are arriving at Beijing West Railway Station .

  1. 他看着我,笑着离开了。

He saw me , smiling and leaving.

  1. 有很多人喜欢冬泳。

There are a host of children and adults liking to swim in winter.

  1. 有意义就是好好活。

    Being meaningful is to live well. (meaningfulness = meaningful)


  1. 用该单词的上位词代替该单词
  2. 用会的单词把该单词解释出来
  3. 同义词或近义词
  4. 大词就瞎胡写,小词当做没看见。大词:主谓宾上的词 小词:除大词之外的词

1. 被动

  1. Tieguanyin can be picked all the year around especially in Spring and Autumn.


  2. Pu’er Tea is deeply loved by Chinese people.


  3. Cooperation is claimed to be more crucial/important than personal/individual ability.


  1. Online shopping is argued/contended to be a popular trend among the young and the old.


  1. At that time , yellow was designed to use for the emperors/kings , the royal palace/the houses of kings painted yellow,and the imperial robe / the clothes of kings was always yellow too,however , the ordinary people were not allowed to wear yellow clothes.

那是,黄色是专为皇帝使用的颜色,皇家宫殿全都漆成黄色,皇袍总是黄色的,而普通老百姓 是禁止穿黄色衣服的。


2. There be 句型

  1. 目前关于孩子和父母的关系问题有一个激烈的讨论。

There is a hot debate about the topic on the relationship between parents and their children.

  1. 毫无疑问线上词典在大学生中越来越受欢迎

There is no denying that online dictionaries are becoming increasingly popular with college students.

  1. 有两个原因可以解释我的观点。

There are two arguments /reasons to account for/explain /contribute to / be responsible for my perspective .

当一句话没有主语并且谓语听到有的时候使用there be句型

3. it 结构

  • 避免头重脚轻

    • 动词不定式充当主语时:通常把动词不定式放在句末加it做形式主语

      • 打你是我的错。

      Beating you is my fault。

      或 It is my fault to beat you。

      • 帮助更多的同学建立自信是我们这次活动的目的。

      Helping more students build confidence is our purpose of this activity.

      Our purpose of this activity is to help more students build confidence.

    • 主语从句

      • it is common knowledge that …
      • It is my belief that… = I think that …
      • It is self-evident that…
      • It has been found that…
      • It is beyond dispute that…
      • It is universally acknowledged that…
      • It has been widely accepted that…
      • It is generally agreed that…

      • 推荐写在第一段某句话的前面

      • 大学教育极大地促进了社会的进步是显而易见的。
        • It is beyond dispute that university education promotes the progress of our society obviously.
      • 我认为养宠物这个话题现在应该引起人们的关注了。
        • It is my belief/perspective/outlook that the issue about raising pets should be brought into the limelight under modern conditions.
    • 强调句型(强调句型只有it is和it was,强调句型不能强调谓语)

      • it is … that…

        • I met my old flame in the street yesterday.—->

        • It was yesterday that I met my old flame in the street.

        • It was I that met my old flame in the street .

        • It was my old flame that I met in the street yesterday.
      • 在国际竞争的环境下,没有什么比自强更重要的了。

        • Nothing is more important than self-reliance in a competitive international environment.——>
        • It is in a competitive international environment that nothing is more important than self-reliance .
      • 就是因为你,我没有通过六级考试。

        • Because of you,I failed in CET6.——>
        • It was because of you that I failed in CET6.
        • Because of you,It was in CET6 that I failed.
      • 就是有很多的因素可以解释我的观点。

        • There exist numerous factors to account for my argument.——>
        • It is to account for my argument that there exist numerous factors.
      • 也是在明代,由郑和率领的船队曾到印度洋进行了七次大规模探险航行。

        • It was also in the Ming dynasty that the fleet led by Zheng He made seven large-scale exploratory voyages to the lndian Ocean.
      • 随着时间的推移,丝绸之路逐渐变成了一条连接东西方的主要道路,促进了东西方的经济文化交流。

        • As time went by,it is the Silk Road that gradually became a major road connecting the East and West,promoting economic and cultural exchanges between the two parties.

4. 复合句

1. 同位语的使用


  1. 名词做同位语


I love my mother , a kind housewife.

My boyfriend ,a university student , is Tiechui.

Garbage sorting, a necessary behavior to control pollution , proves quite crucial throughout China.

Hunting for jobs,a hot topic among undergraduates,has become the public concern recently.

Optimism , a positive attitude,plays a key role in the general routine of everyday living.


  1. 同位语从句


The matter makes his families happy.

The matter that he has found a girlfriend makes his families rejoiced.


The fact that it will increase the cost of your daily commute suggests that you tend to get tired more easily in big cities.


The fact that the locals are very hospitable and friendly shows that you will love this city,unwilling to leave there.

The fact that … suggests that … (本句型推荐写在第二段分析原因时使用)

The fact that my mother always blames me suggests that I won’t be friend with her.

2. 定语和定语从句


I love the beautiful girl.

I love the girl singing on the stage.

I love the girl who is singing on the stage.

I love the girl in front of me.

I love this kind girl.形容词

I love the girl of kindness.名词

I love the girl as kind as angel.介词短语

I love the girl being as kind as an angel.非谓语

I love the girl who keeps so kind.定语从句



We should respect poor children who are struggling for their dreams.


The man who were abandoned by God died at last.

The man abandoned by God died at last.


The old man died on the day when his son arrived.


The girl who is singing on the stage is the daugther of Dayan.


This is a ficiton about the moon and sixpence.


Longjing is a kind of green tea which is mainly produced in Zhejiang Province,the coastal area in east China.


Wuzhen,which is an ancient water town in Zhejiang province,is located by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.


Kongfu is the name of Chinese action , which comes from protecting ourselves and hunting animals.


It is a traditional Chinese sport that both the young and the elderly can practise.

剪纸( paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。

Paper cutting is one of the most popular arts in China which has a 1500-year history and was quite famous in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


Chinese have had the tradition to celebrate harvest in the Middle-Autumn Festival,which proves quite similar to Thanksgiving Day in North America.